Saturday, May 18, 2013


We were supposed to go to our first big sale for 4H Means Business club today but we didn't go for several reasons.  One was that we only found out yesterday that it was supposed to be outside (it is a park, but in our defense, we've sold there before and we were in the visitor's center) and then it was predicted to rain today, I have been suffering since yesterday with some pretty severe vertigo and my daughter just felt like she didn't have enough stuff to sell or at least, that's what she said at 6:30 a.m.  It may have been more of a case of 'now that I know what it is like to wake up at 6:30 a.m., I don't want to."  but she made the decision not to go.  My new plan for this club is when her brother gets home from Mississippi, he can take her to all the Farmer's Market sales all summer (which are all at the crack of dawn) and then when he goes back to school, she can take a break and do a bunch of crocheting and knitting to get ready for the next time he's in town.  I don't mind going with just my daughter and selling, because we really end up talking mostly to each other and I feel more relaxed, but to me, this was going to be dragging my vertiginous, slightly nauseated self someplace to sit out in the rain and cold and make 7 hours of conversation with virtual strangers.  This hits my shyness funny bone somehow.  I know I'm weird and backwards, but I would rather stand up and sing a concert or give a speech than sit and talk one on one to almost-strangers all day. Also, in the plan, my daughter needs to get her learners permit and start driving herself to these things, although, she's so shy, I am not sure if she would go without someone going with her, even then, although she has come out of her shell somewhat recently.  With her older brother, you can drop him off anywhere and when you come back, he's friends with everyone there.  Anyway, I'm working today and I actually prefer it.  :-P.

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