Saturday, May 04, 2013

Prom report.

I don't really do pictures of the kids on my blog, and I don't yet have pictures of the group or of the decorations, but believe me, when I get them, I'll share.  It went well.  Everything and everybody looked beautiful.  The parents served a meal of chicken, Paula Deen mac and cheese, green beans, carrots and rolls with fruit kabobs for appetizers and cupcakes for dessert.  There were a few minor things that didn't go exactly right like we didn't have enough cupcake icing to make them look pretty and we had way, way, way too many cupcakes.  I took 46 and I think I came home with even more than I took.  But the kids were great.  They danced, they played an impromptu game of volleyball at one point, they danced some more and more and more.  The did the cotton-eyed joe, the cupid shuffle, the electric slide and the swing dance we taught them. There was only 1 couple who didn't dance, but they walked around and watched everyone and seemed to have fun.  The moms and dads hid in the kitchen mostly, but for a while, we put chairs way over in the corner on the other side of the gym and sat and watched a little.  The music was fabulous.  One of the families sorted through lists of songs and came up with 6 HOURS of music with only a couple of repeats (cotton-eyed-joe and cupid shuffle mostly, because the kids would dance to those).  It was really nice.  Right at the end though, the music machine decided it had had enough and wouldn't change songs and started playing only the same few over and over and we decided to call it quits.  It was about half an hour earlier than we had planned.  We got home at 1:00 am, very tired, but pleased. 


  1. The prom sounds like it turned out great! I can't wait to see pictures : )

  2. Sounds like y'all had a really good time. Can't wait to see your pictures!!
