Thursday, May 02, 2013

Homeschool Prom Stuff.

We've got to go and decorate and make food for the homeschool prom next year.  5/6 of the moms in the group were in favor of buying food trays or getting the event catered, but the other mom, who is the one whose idea the prom was and who is in charge, wanted to buy and make the food.  So guess what we get to do today?  yay.  Can you tell I'm not real happy about it?  We'll also be inflating balloons, putting up lights and streamers and stuff like that.  Today is my volunteer day and I might leave the gym and go to that.  I haven't decided yet.  It depends on how I feel after all that work and whether I need my mental health break at that time.  The spirit may be willing, but the flesh may be weak.  I'm way too used to sedentary work and way out of shape. 

I'll try to take pictures of the decorating as it happens. 

This picture is not relevant, except that it is a picture of balloons.  :-) 

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