Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Did you ever get a crazy song stuck in your head?

I listen to Christian radio mostly and most of those songs I don't mind singing in my head for a couple of days.  Sometimes I'll get a song in my head for a while, but I really don't know anything but part of the tune and a couple of words and that will drive me batty, leading me to look it up on Youtube or Songza (although Songza tends not to work as well with my internet. :-(  )  Once, back when I listened to country I got a Tim McGraw song in my head for at least a month, Live Like You Were Dying.  Again, that's a very good song and I didn't mind it at all for the first 3 weeks or so, but after that I wanted some variety, you know, in my own head.  :-P   Lately though, my inner jukebox has been driving me completely insane with this treasure:  Goodbye Earl.    WARNING:  If you follow that link and get this crazy song in your head, which is about killing a man with some poisoned black eyed peas (admittedly, a very bad man) wrapping him up in a tarp, etc.and you start singing it in the kitchen, your kids will start to wonder about you.  You should not sing it around little kids.  My teens think it is kind of hilarious and that their mother is nuts, but they already thought that, so that's no big deal. 

I'm really hoping another song comes along soon.

1 comment:

  1. OMG.....I can't believe you just did that!! I know it's terrible, but it's terribly catchy too.....gotta love 'Goodbye, Earl'! LOL!!
