Monday, May 13, 2013

A good day.

Yesterday was a good day, an oasis in what was otherwise a kind of a bad week.  It was really good.  We went to church, then to Walmart to buy supplies, then came home and baked a jam cake for my mom and made scalloped potatoes for my mother-in-law's party.  Then we went to both places.  At my mom's house we played UpWords and at my mother-in-law's party, we played Rollick, which turned out to be pretty hilarious.  We had gotten it for Christmas and the kids don't care for it, but we grown-ups do.  I kind of think once my kids get out of their self-conscious teen years and feel comfortable enough with the people they are around to act out things like being a cat using the litter box (LoL!) they'll enjoy it too.   It turns out my husband and his brothers are particularly good at charades.   Last night, when we got home, I got to spend a few minutes with the new Sophie Kinsella book, Wedding Night.  I hope it is as fun as her other books to read.  Even later last night, the kids and I finally finished listening to The 13 1/2 lives of Captain Bluebear, a book my son really enjoyed, but my daughter and I not so much and started on the next book of the Kane Chronicles which is part of the Percy Jackson series.  My daughter has started doing a lot of the night reading, when it's a book she likes or owns, like the Percy Jackson series.  I also got wished a Happy Mother's day for the first time, long distance, from my son in Mississippi via Facebook.  Not my favorite way to be wished a Happy Mother's day, but it will have to do, I guess.  Our sermon at church yesterday was about embracing the stage of life you are in - which is something I'm struggling with now, especially since my most recent birthday.  :-P

In other news, when I said 4H was dwindling down, I was mistaken.  We have 3 4H meetings this week!  I had forgotten to write 2 of them down.  It's a good thing I checked.

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