Thursday, March 07, 2013

Some stuff.

I've kind of been in a funk this week.  I admit it.  And when I'm feeling funky, I don't blog as much, so I've opened this blogging window all week and then closed it again, thinking, if I can't type anything nice, I shouldn't type anything at all.   But here goes anyway. The facts are these. 

My mom is not doing all that well lately, it seems like she is losing ground  more quickly and we are all struggling with it.  It's very hard.. 

Also, my son's car is still broken down.  My husband had a difficult time even getting it into the garage, finally was able to and seems to have replaced every part on it and thought he had it fixed, only to have it break again today, 100 feet or so away from the garage, downhill naturally, so it's going to be a pain to get back in there and darn it, it's not fixed.  So this means my oldest son who is in Mississippi (9 hours away) at college cannot come home when he gets out of class tomorrow.  Also, to top this off, my husband's car, which my son drove to Mississippi (9 hours away) has also stopped running.  All of this means that we won't see our firstborn son again until June.  I am not happy about it, but what can I do?  He can't afford to fly home because he put all his money into that stupid car that is now sitting at the end of the driveway. 

On the good side of things, school is going well.  We went to what seemed like our 99th and 100th 4H clubs this for this month, this afternoon.  They were both good.  The cooking club went to a local restaurant and learned about how to make panini sandwiches and then we went to a 4H Means Business club.  It's a club for entrepeneurs and my daughter wants to learn about expanding her craft business so that will be helpful for her.  I worry that it might be terribly time consuming for me though.  We'll see how it works.  Everything has been a little bit more difficult to accomplish because my husband and I are sharing 1 car.   We've had to cancel piano lessons, miss volunteering, miss church and bum rides from people. 

Also, school is going well.  The kids are getting better and better at working independently. 

So that's it, the good, the bad and the rest of it.

Also, I ordered Downton Abbey from Netflix and am now as hooked on it as everyone else.

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