Friday, March 01, 2013

Not too bad.

The kids finished their school work for the week tonight at 8-9 p.m. ish.   I knew my daughter was done when she picked up the book she was reading (one of the Animorphs) and started laughing in her room.  Then, when my son turned on his video games a few minutes later, I knew he was done too.  I was working later than both of them because of this pesky not feeling good stuff I've had going on lately.  I felt the need to stop working in the early afternoon and take a 3 hour or so nap.  Yes, I do know that's not normal and one of these days I am going to go to the doctor for it.  I just hate to go to the doctor so badly ... :-P  

Anyway, that's it for today.  I did some pinning to Pinterest this morning and some of it you all might find interesting, so here's a link to my Pinterest Boards.   

I so hope I feel better tomorrow.   

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