Friday, March 22, 2013

It's Friday, but.

That really doesn't mean that much to me since I have to work on Saturday as well, but  my students are very happy about it or they will be once they get through today's work.  To my husband, it's kind of like Monday since he works the weekend shift and Friday is his first day of the workweek. It has been a busy week for me.  In addition to working and homeschooling this week, we've had 3 meetings, 2 doctor's appointments and my volunteering session.  I'm talking big doctor's appointments, not the quick kind, the minimum of 2 hours kind and 3 hours for the pain clinic.  I really can't believe it's Friday again.  The weeks are just flying by, it seems like.  I guess that's a good thing because our oldest won't be home until June and maybe if the weeks continue to fly by at this pace, it won't seem like long?  

This looks interesting.  It's to show kids which careers use what math.  It even loads on my slow internet too!  Math Apprentice

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