Monday, March 04, 2013

Good videos for Bad Grammar.

Check out this very good summary of all the grammar mistakes we see on a daily basis on the internet.

Messy Mondays Spelling 1

Their/there/they're, bare/bear, things like that.

and this one too.

Messy Mondays Spelling 2

This one has a great reminder statement in it - If you want to get all As in grammar, spell grammar with all As.

These videos are cute.  My kids started watching them last night on their own and I joined them.  I see these every day pretty much.  Where I hate to see it the most is when a group of homeschooling mom's are having an online conversation.  That's when it really makes me cringe. Although I have to admit, my grammar sometimes isn't all that great.  Sometimes when I'm blogging I like to write the way I talk and use words like gonna, etc.  Also, I have a lot of trouble remembering the difference between affect and effect and insure and ensure, so no one is perfect.  :-P

****  It's a good thing I said no one's perfect and admitted to my own grammatical errors, since I came back and noticed that I had put an apostrophe in the word moms.  Oh my goodness!  Yes, I do know better! This is awful, especially if you know I just watched The Apostrophe Song the other day! 

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