Friday, March 08, 2013

Actually better, schoolwork-wise, anyway.

The kids are working on school quite well today which is a nice change.  They've gotten better at that, for the past few weeks, after the incident where school wasn't done before bedtime on a Friday night and someone got grounded.  I'm also loving the rule that says that they have to clean for a certain amount of time based on when they get up, because they've been sleeping in and the house is staying pretty clean, despite the fact that I've felt bad lately.   I haven't mentioned that they would have had next week off if their brother had come home, but since he's not coming, they have to do school.  They are aware that they won't get to see him and we all hate it because the sibling bond is a really important one, the only one that goes with you throughout your whole life, pretty much, but they haven't made the connection to the fact that they will be missing a week off.  I won't mention it.  .It wouldn't make anyone feel good.  It's better, I think, to just keep on pushing and get done a week earlier, but if we get horribly frustrated later on this year, we may take a little break. The flexibility of homeschooling is a wonderful thing.

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