Thursday, February 07, 2013

4H again.

Today was the cooking club.  They brought in a professional chef who walked the kids through making an Italian salad, mushroom spaghetti and cheesecake.  It was all very well done, the only problem was so many kids showed up (about 40) that they didn't get to take a turn helping to cook.  Mostly they just watched.  I had hoped that it would discourage my daughter from wanting to go but she still wants to.  Oh well, I guess I'd better resign myself to a couple of 4H meetings a week.  This January to June Class season will soon be over and my period of raising kids will soon be over as well.  I hate it.  If I could have, I would have had a couple more kids at least.  I have sure loved raising these 3.  They say being a good parent means you work yourself out of a job and it's true. 

Next week, we've got electricity classes, then small engines, then 4H Means Business and then needleworking again ... until June.  I really hope that soon we won't have to share a car.  That's making the logistics of getting to all these meetings a little difficult. 

Also, did anyone notice that yesterday I wrote that I didn't have much to say and then I typed 4 or 5 paragraphs.  :-) 


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