Sunday, January 06, 2013

Still celebrating.

We have a Christmas celebration today.  I've got to admit that I'm getting a wee bit tired of celebrating at this point.  I temporarily forgot about it yesterday and started treasuring in my heart the idea of a day OFF.  A day to do whatever I wanted, perhaps sit down and read a book or take a nap.  A day to finally get a little caught up on some of the housework around here.  A day not to be rushing anywhere.  But then I remembered.  Driving, rushing, cooking, celebrating.  While it's not a bad thing to do and usually I enjoy it very much, this means that my next opportunity for some really good down time is NEXT Sunday.  :-(

Because I've had so much running during the week this week to do, I've been working late every night and by the time I do have some downtime, around 9:30 or so, I'm just too tired to enjoy it.  My eyes are too worn out from working and my arms are too tired to hold my book up.  That's the kind of week I've had. 

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