Saturday, January 12, 2013

Plan B.

One of the cars is fixed now, but the other one isn't and my son needs to go to Mississippi tomorrow, so we're going with plan B.  He's going to take his Dad's car.  Then, when the trimester is over, he'll come home and get his car.  That will give his Dad 5 weeks or so to figure out what's going on with it.  It's actually kind of a good thing, at least from one point of view ... he'll have to cope with driving a long way by himself, but he won't have to deal with driving with a clutch, which he's still very new at. (Yes, I am ending a sentence with a preposition, but that's the way I would say it, so that's how I'm writing it.)   :-P   Also, it means he will come home for spring break, which he wasn't originally planning to, so we get to see him. 

Anyway, technology helps with trips like this.  He's going to have a GPS and he will have his cell phone with him.  That will make it easier on me.  :-)  

Then, we will be starting back to school around here on Monday, I guess.  Better print out the lists and prepare for the whining.    

1 comment:

  1. Yep, My plan is to start back tomorrow too. We moved A. back to school yesterday...
