Friday, January 04, 2013

January 4.

Four days into this new year and I haven't had time to stop and breathe, it seems like.   Wednesday involved long, long hours at the pain clinic, where my mom got 2 lumbar epidural steroid injections, but I don't think they helped much.  Yesterday, when I was at her house and she was still in quite a bit of pain.  :-(   I gave her pain medications and she was sitting with a heating pad.   I surely  hope today is better in that regard.  Today, I'm working, going to the funeral of my friend's mom  (and I just found out another friend's mom is possibly days away from death), working, going to a meeting with the homeschool group, then working, then possibly going to a friend's surprise birthday party.  

In other news, my son bought his first car yesterday.  It is a Ford Focus and it is cute as it can be.  :-)  I volunteered at the hospital which helps me for some reason, more than therapy would.  I hold the babies and sooth the babies and it soothes me as well and I come home feeling peaceful, no matter what kind of day I had had up to that point.  Also, my friend's husband moved out of the intensive care unit, into the critical care unit and now onto a regular medical floor, the ventilator is out and they are talking about going home.  That's wonderful.   

I have commented before, this middle aged thing, it's like a crazy roller coaster ride sometimes and I feel like asking,  "Could I at least have a safety belt?"  "Air bag?"  "Any chance I could switch to the kiddy rides?" 


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