Monday, December 10, 2012

Two weeks!

It's only 2 weeks till Christmas ya'll.  Can you believe it?  We still have a lot of shopping to do and it seems, just a lot of everything to do.  I guess we'll get most of it done, though possibly not done perfectly.  I tend to want to buy everyone the perfect gift, but that's just not possible.  I'm stumped, for example, on what to get my oldest son whose wishes all seem to be out of our price range and my mom, who doesn't really need anything or want anything.  Sigh.

We've also got a couple of birthday parties this month, including 1 tonight, choir practices, volunteering, work, school, etc.  I know some families take the whole month of December off for the festivities, and I'd like to be able to do that too, but we started kind of late this summer, with our trip to Mississippi and all, so we're going to try to get in as many days as we can.  

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