Saturday, December 22, 2012

Okay, Come on Christmas.

I'm ready now.  My son is home.  My shopping is done.  I think I will enjoy the 3 days cushion of time before the big day though.  We've got quite a bit to do, but it doesn't seem like too much.  We're having pictures made today.  I've got to work today and Monday.  We've got special Christmas services at church tomorrow.   We moved the usual Christmas Eve celebration at my moms to Christmas day in the afternoon, to accommodate my brother's new girlfriend, a wonderful person that I'm so glad he found, so maybe my family can start a new Christmas Eve tradition?  Or maybe we will go to my mom's anyway, just to be with her.  We haven't decided what to do yet.  It's new, it's different, but holiday celebrations have to evolve through the years with changes in families. 

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