Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve.

What am I doing?  Working.  That's what I do.  The kids are still out of school for the holidays, but I've been back at work since the day after Christmas.  I think I'm almost done for the day.  I just whipped up some yummy gluten free chili and out of necessity tonight, I'm staying in and nesting or something.  Yesterday, my vehicle had a weird little episode that's going to cost us a couple of hundred dollars at least and is requiring me to stay home tonight.  Technically, I guess maybe I could take my husband's car, but I'm okay with staying here.  We were gone almost all day yesterday to a family party and as usual, I came home exhausted.  Why do those kind of things make a person so tired?  It's worse than work, worse than volunteering at the hospital, worse than housecleaning, the kind of tired I get from a family party.  I need to start working out and maybe imbibe some red bull or something.  Maybe Xanax.  :-)  (kidding!).   

As to my friends I posted about yesterday, the one friend's mom did die, as expected.  She was 88 and she was ready and it was peaceful.  She lived on her own, at home, until a week ago and was happy and productive.  You can't beat that really, as a way to go.  I hope her family has peace with her passing.   One of her daughters was a late in life baby and is in her 40s, so it might be hardest for her.  I don't know. 

My other friend's husband is now at a bigger more sophisticated ICU in the city, but he's doing a little bit better, moving his hands and wiggling his toes a little bit on request.  He's still on a ventilator and they still have a very hard row to hoe as they say here in Kentucky, but it sounds hopeful.  I hope so for his wife's sake and for their kid's sake. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    My name is Justine Gamble. I recently published a multisensory homeschool curriculum and am preparing for a big marketing push to begin in January. I am looking for respected homeschool bloggers to review and post give aways for me. My website is and my FB page is We will have testimonials and new samples and images up on the website soon.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


    Justine Gamble

    “Like” the Facebook page for notices of future giveaways.
