Monday, December 03, 2012


It's an ordinary Monday, I guess.  Our new ordinary, in which one of our children lives in another state.  I'm still a bit under the weather, not too bad, but I'm probably contagious so I'm not going to volunteer at the children's hospital tonight.  I'm going to continue taking it easy.  I talked to the oldest son this morning on Facebook and he said that he was having an earache and so I looked online and found a walk-in clinic near him that takes our health insurance.  Hopefully he will go.  It's very hard to make kids do something they don't really want to do when they are so far away. 

I'm trying to lose weight but not working too hard at it.  I made a veggie lunch and I am going to try and eat more green beans and broccoli since they are low cal and healthy foods that I like.  However, I'm also trying to fight the urge to get up and go in the kitchen and make a crustless pecan pie.  I'm craving it and we have the pecans in there.  Do you all think a pecan pie and green bean diet sounds reasonable?  I doubt I'd lose much weight on it.  :-)

My youngest son is counting down the days to Christmas on and it is 21 days, 8 hours and 34 minutes and 52 seconds until Christmas and I haven't even really started shopping! 

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, I haven't done much shopping either. Although I do have a much better start this year on my stocking stuffer stuff. Plus I already have a couple of gifts for Alli....that she's supposed to 'Forget' about before Christmas. :-P Hope you feel better soon!!
