Thursday, December 13, 2012

Making a little progress.

I guess I'm making a little progress in my shopping.  I am loading up my Amazon cart with just a few more things.  I have found a couple of books for my mom and a few other items for a few other people.  I may stop by Hobby Lobby this evening while I am near there and get something for my niece.  Then tomorrow I've got to work and then go to a concert and then Saturday I've got to work and I've been invited to a play.  Then Sunday, the Christmas cantata in which I am the soloist, and then possibly another play?  I'm not sure about that one.  I may just fall over on Sunday afternoon and take a much-needed break.  Whew.  I am exhausted this morning and I have only Christmas shopped and cleaned half a bathroom.  I just checked and I'm running a low grade fever.  Is there some kind of treatment for people who just run fevers all the time for unknown reasons?  Grrr. 

On the homeschooling front, we are still schooling.  My oldest son doesn't get to come home until the 21st. That's the day he has his last class.  He'll go immediately from class to the airport and fly home.  It's kind of crazy, but I think we'll just keep homeschooling right up until that day too.  We'll see.

On the teens wanting to stay up all night front, I think I may have a plan.  I'm thinking of assigning chores for each day based on what time they get up.  For example, if they get up at 9, they have 9 minutes of cleaning.  (They can do a lot in 9 minutes each, every day),  so then 10 is 10 minutes, 11 is 11 minutes and 12 is half an hour, 1 is 1 hour and 2 is 2 hours.  Hey, I just made that up as I was typing this and it's pretty good, isn't it?  And, yes, they would sleep until 2 in the afternoon if I would let them.  When I am working, especially if I have a deadline of having to leave and go somewhere at 3 in the afternoon, I'm rushing and I don't have time to keep after them.   I have forgotten them on those days a couple of times and they have slept that late.   I'm also going to give them alarm clocks.  I am tired of the struggle.  

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