Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy Day-After-Christmas.

We had a nice Christmas.  As usual, it was kind of tiring.  We went to church at 11 p.m. on Christmas Eve and then we were up early Christmas day to open presents, then off to my mother-in-law's for breakfast and then back home for a little while and then to my mom's house for dinner.  We got home around 8:30 p.m. last night (I think) and soon afterwards, I went and laid down in my bed, fully dressed, with my contact lenses still in,  (I have no idea if I brushed my teeth or not but knowing me, I probably did.  I brush them all the time!), and slept until 9:00 this morning.   I think most of the gifts were a hit.  My oldest son got a lot of gift cards and things like that because all the things he wanted are expensive and at this point, we don't know whether he's going to find a car to buy to drive back to school or if he's going to have to fly.  If he flies, he won't be able to carry a whole lot with him.   My youngest son got a really cool MP3 player that he can play audio books on.  His addiction to audio books that I have blogged about in the past, has not gone away.  He still listens to them a lot.  He, unlike me, can do other things while listening and keep up with the book and his vocabulary is really large, so I guess it's okay.  My daughter got a bunch of yarn and also a tablet for her computer (not a standalone tablet, but a drawing tablet to use with a computer) and some sketch books and pencils, etc. for her art.  She stayed up after I went to bed at 1:00 a.m. on Christmas eve and crocheted me a scarf, so she got especially tired and is still sleeping, going on about 15 hours now for her.  Whew.  Luckily we have some down-time for a few days now.  Of course, I'm working but that's easier than holidaying.  A lot easier.  :-P

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