Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Eagle Has Landed.

He's home!  Woohoo!  He's lost another 20 pounds since we saw him last, mostly eating fish and steamed veggies in the school cafeteria, because he's afraid he'll get exposed to gluten with most of the other foods.  But hey, fish and steamed veggies is pretty good for you.  We're going to have to buy him some new pants though.  He's lost a total of 100 pounds since maybe this time last year and he's doing some kind of crazy intense workout with a friend at college.  He said "I won't be able to do my workout here"  I told him he could "work" here.  We need some post holes dug for his brothers treehouse/clubhouse.  That will get those biceps warmed up.  :-)  Anyway, he's home and we are going to spend as much time as possible enjoying his company.  The siblings have no enforced bedtime while he's home and no school while he's home.  We have 9 days and then he has to go back.  He said that the flying wasn't too bad although the first plane, which was a small prop plane was a tad scary, the big plane from Atlanta was nice.  When he was 7 or so and didn't want to  cross bridges because of his fear of heights, I could not have imagined this day.  I went to sleep last night to the sound of all three of them laughing. 


1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh....I KNOW what that first visit home from college is like. Love hearing about the laughter, no school, no enforced bedtime! It just doesn't get any better, does it?!
