Friday, November 02, 2012

Kind of funny ...

My daughter usually goes everywhere with me, but yesterday, I needed to mail the package before 5 so I couldn't wait endlessly for her to finish her schoolwork like I usually do; so I left her at home!  This had a surprising impact on both her and her brother who are working very hard to get finished with school today by 2 o'clock, I guess in case I do anything fun without them today?  Apparently they had a big discussion last night about it and decided to make sure they get their school work done, hopefully from now on.  We'll see how long it lasts, I guess.

Also funny, the day before yesterday, I spelled the word hospitalization so badly that the spellcheck wanted to change it to fossilization.  :-)   Imagine your doctor saying he is going to fossilize you.  :-)


  1. Violet loves to be left at long as it isn't for very long.

  2. She wasn't home alone, she was with her dad and brother. She just missed a trip to Walmart, I guess.
