Sunday, November 18, 2012

Another busy one.

We've got another busy one planned today.  We had a great time at the Harvest Party last night with the homeschool group.  Some years back, we decided to do soup and sandwiches for our Harvest Party meal and we eat wonderful soups and then play games, which is always very nice and relaxing.  The kids in our homeschool group are almost all teens now and they played pool and basketball and something that involved a lot of running and yelling.  I don't know what that was.  The adults played a sedate game of trivial pursuit.  What a way to make yourselves feel not-to-smart, really.   I wish there were more general knowledge questions.  Anyway, today we're going to church and then to grandmas.  She got to see the boy briefly yesterday but not very long because work yesterday took a lot longer for me than I wanted it to and I wanted to go over there with him.  Anyway, off to enjoy today. ...

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