Thursday, November 01, 2012

A few of the things that are on my 400 track mind.

The sky on one of the spectacularly pretty days last week. 
There's always a lot going on inside my head, way too much to ever put on one blog post.   However, I will give today's random thoughts a go anyway.

I don't want to clean the house.  I should, but I don't want to. (This is an everyday thing.)

I really should go in about this pain I've been dealing with for a year and a half now.  Maybe.  The last time I went to find out about it cost 1800 dollars and didn't really solve anything.  :-(

Halloween was fun last night.  I took my youngest (who is not really all that young anymore!) on a very limited trick or treat excursion that included going to the grandmas and the great aunts houses and a few others.  He got a big old bag of candy, so he was happy.  This is probably the last year for trick or treating.   Sadly. 

One of my friend's from high school's daughter had a baby this morning and I feel especially old today.

I really should cook the banana bread I've been procrastinating about since last week.  The first set of bananas has already rotted and been thrown out, but there is another set of bananas that is just about ready, i.e., kind of mushy.

I need to cut my mom's dog's toenails, but I dread it.   This is symbolic of how many things I have to do, I think, a lot of little bitty tiny things, like snipping chihuahua's toenails ... I could get really philosophical here, but I probably better just get it done and move onto the next thing.  I don't have any experience cutting doggy nails, but I guess I might as well learn. 

Tinker, my mom's chihuahua. 
I need to add some things to the kids homeschool schedules.  Maybe.  They don't have a lot of schoolwork each day, but really, I have read quite a bit about the benefits for brain development of free time, time to think, etc. so maybe they don't?  I don't know.

My oldest son is in Mississippi just finishing his first trimester of college.  He's got finals today.  I need to get his latest treat package mailed to him and we need to figure out how to get him home for Thanksgiving.  I contacted the student activities group on campus today to see if they have a "ride board" for ride sharing.  He found someone that can bring him as far as Memphis, but that's still 6 hours from here, quite a long trip.  If we are going to get bus or plane tickets, we need to get on that before they are all gone.  I'm not good with making travel decisions for some reason, though we do travel quite frequently, we don't fly or use a public bus.

We need to set up a video chat time with oldest son tonight maybe. 

I need to call the spine center for my daughter and my mom's eye doctor to make appointments.  Blah.  I hate talking on the phone.  Why?  I don't know.

I'm very glad we homeschool this morning.  I had a conversation last night that really reinforced  my beliefs that this is a good good path to take.

This is how Raynaud's phenomenon affects my hands.  Two of my fingers got cold and so, shut down the circulation to the ends of my fingers and you can actually see it.   They get numb.  Weird, eh?

1 comment:

  1. I swear to you we are 'soul sisters'....we are just WAY too much alike. ;-) I SO feel the same way about the housework....And don't get me started about how I HATE the telephone...doggy nails,I need to learn how too.....I have a little Pom-pooch who desperately needs his nails trimmed....and about adding more to the school work schedule....I LOVE your thoughts on the matter. ;-) I'm sure others would think that I needed to add to my kid's 'book work' load, but honestly I think we all learn SO much just by living & experiencing. Gosh, I could get on my soapbox about that one, but I'll refrain. ;-)
