Sunday, October 14, 2012

Such a blustery day.

It's not cold today, but it's windy.  All the trees are turning colors here in Kentucky and it is so beautiful.  We are going to go see my mom today, then head to a local craft show and then back to church tonight.  We've got 3 or 4 really busy days coming up.  I think they'll be good-busy if you know what I mean.  I hope so anyway.  I'm starting to look forward to the holidays and am squirreling away gift cards because our grocery store, Kroger, gives 2 x the gas points for gift cards and sometimes as many as 4 x, so if I spend 25 dollars, I get 100 gas points, which means I get 10 cents off every gallon of gas.  Last time I filled it up, I got 60 cents a gallon off.  That's significant.  Anyway, that's what we're doing today.  I doubt I'll get time to cook any of the yummy recipes I've been making lately because I'll be in and out today, but that's a good thing because my jeans are getting kind of tight.  :-P 

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