Thursday, October 25, 2012

Much better.

I'm just a bit less crabby now.  Okay, a lot less.  Today was my day off and the girl and I went and did a little bit of frivolous shopping.  I don't get to do that as much as I used to so I really enjoyed it.  We went to Bath and Body works where they were having a hand-sanitizer sale and they had all the holiday scents.  We had to get some gingerbread.  I love that stuff.  I swear, just smelling of it puts me in a happier place.  Weird, I know, but hey, cheap and calorie free, so why not?  Then we went to Target and just looked at a few things, accessories, hats, purses, candy and of course the dollar section.  I love the dollar section of target so much.  They didn't have the dog costumes that they sometimes have this time of year in the dollar section.  That's a shame, because I'm sure Max and Freckles would have really appreciated a costume.  (not).  Anyway,  we had a good time and we came home with chocolate and that's what matters.  :-)

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