Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Storm and other things.

We had a huge storm this morning that lasted for 3 hours or so and took our electricity briefly 3 times.  Each time it did this, I lost the report I was working on and had to start again.  Freckles was terrified, literally shaking the whole time and Max was keeping me in close proximity, both of them following me to the bathroom or kitchen or wherever I happened to be going.  The teen who, as a child, was so afraid of storms that he had to go into counseling, was outside on the front porch watching it part of the time and the other one slept through the whole thing.  The boy in Mississippi apparently had sunny weather with a temperature of 92.  I say apparently, because I looked it up on the internet, not because he contacted me today.  He's been a little scarce lately in talking to us Kentuckians.  He seems to have been having a bunch of fun and he says that he's been studying a lot too.  I told him to call tonight.  Hopefully he will.  The younger 2 kids did school today without much prompting and got done pretty early, for them, about 5:00 p.m.   We ordered the Beatles Rock Band and it came today but our microphone doesn't work with it, so that was pretty disappointing.  I'll be glad when it gets here because I think I will much prefer Beatles songs to some of those ones on the original rock band.  I wonder who picked those out?  (I'm talking about Rock Band 2, the older version of the game is really cheap right now.  I picked up the Beatles for 6 bucks).   So anyway, that's what we're doing.  I hope all my bloggie buds are doing well. 

1 comment:

  1. We're doing ok. All the boys are still sick & Clay swears he's coming down with it too. Alli & I are fine so far. Not alot of school work going on around since they feel pretty crummy. And of course Miss Girlie grumbles about having to work when no one else is. Waa, Waa
