Friday, September 28, 2012

Oldest Son's Birthday.

Yesterday, my oldest son, who now is in Mississippi, 9 hours away, in college, had his 20th birthday.   We went about our business throughout the day, but it felt kind of weird not having him here.  He didn't really make much of an appearance on Facebook (which seems to be his preferred method of communication right now) and we called him last night and sung happy birthday last night but we had to sing it to his cell phone's voice mail.  Then, this morning, he was on Facebook and told me that he gotten our message too late to call back last night, because his new friends had taken him out for pizza at the Mellow Mushroom for his birthday and he had forgotten his phone.  I'm notorious for not answering my cell phone, so I can't get mad at him for that.  I'm so glad that he had a good day, that he's happy and enjoying himself down there, and has friends who care enough to make his day happy.  Last week on the phone, he did admit to being a  little homesick every now and then and honestly, I'm glad about that too, because we want him to miss us and come home as often as he can.  :-P

I don't think he reads my blog from there but I'll say it anyway.  Happy Birthday!  We are proud of the young man you have become.

I really hope that he gets his web camera today and that it works and we get to do a video chat with him tonight or this weekend.  We sent him a web cam as part of his birthday package and we mailed it out last week. 

1 comment:

  1. That's got to make you feel good that his friends took him out for pizza. Ashley said this BD was much better than last year....cuz her friends & roomies KNEW it was her BD. They decorated the room for her, one friend brought her a milkshake & some of the guys from her 'Brother Dorm' came to her window & brought her some candy bars.
