Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Nice day.

The temperatures are a little cooler around here.  Unfortunately, it has not yet inspired us to get out and do gardening and yard work.  It has, however, induced some food cravings.  Chili.  Turkey and stuffing.  Cinnamon rolls.  Pumpkin pie.  The only thing we haven't made and eaten yet is the pumpkin pie, but I can feel it coming on.  That craving.   I've gotten so much better at all of my recipes, adapting them to be gluten free.  It took a long time for me to get the chili right and now, when I am about to have my third gluten free Thanksgiving I've really gotten good at making stuffing.  Today, we made some stuffing and something else really extremely yummy, cinnamon roll pancakes.  I saw the recipe on Pinterest.  Oh my goodness.  So good and extremely easy and quick, unlike homemade cinnamon rolls. 

I really wish the fall season would inspire me to exercise, but so far, no luck.  :-)

I'm getting way better, I think at nagging parenting my oldest from so far away.  He's been doing several of the things I've been constantly reminding him about.  Unfortunately, he has not yet gotten a workstudy job and he really needs to.  He said the only jobs open right now are lab techs and other things that he's not qualified for.  I really hope something comes up soon!

My daughter is into crocheting wire into bracelets today.  I'll share some pictures when she shares some pictures.

For my nephew's 6th birthday, we used another idea from Pinterest, a build it yourself fort kit.  He seemed to like it.  I hope so. 

This is the practice fort they built at the birthday party. (at Pizza hut).

1 comment:

  1. The weather is just amazing here too & I know what you mean about the cravings. I already gave in a made a pot of chili the other night for supper. And now, thanks to you, I'm thinking that pumpkin pie sounds mighty yummy! We've even been doing our school work outside this week. I took some pictures today.....if I can get my computer to co-operate, I'll post them on my blog. ;-)
