Sunday, September 30, 2012

More. Fun.

About 10 years ago, my parents gave my kids a bounce house thing.  It's one of those inflatable things with a fan/motor that keeps it inflated.  I don't know what the official name of it is, but we have sure gotten their money's worth out of it.  I'm pretty sure mom picked it up on clearance.  For years, we have used it occasionally in the living room, taken it to parties where there will be small children, etc.  It has been great for ending a bad mood.  A few months ago I loaned it to my sister-in-law, thinking she could probably keep it till I had grandkids.  Her kids are 4 and 6.  Then yesterday when I got home from the party, it was in my living room.  She had brought it back.  My first thought was that I'd probably take it to Hallelujah-Ween and then put it in storage, but my kids, ages 14 and 16 have been playing with it for 2 hours this afternoon.  They play a lot like they did at 4 and 6.  The only difference is their vocabularies are more sophisticated.  They use phrases like surface area, distribution of weight and disproportionate in between the giggles and screams.  It's pretty hilarious.

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