Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Working today.

I'm trying to fit in some working today amongst all my other responsibilities.  :-)  It's a good thing I have flexible hours because I flex the heck out of them. 

Today I thought I'd share some of the kind of stuff I do.

For example, here's a little bit of what Dr. P. said word for word.

"The patient was complaining of the right leg pain for a long time is getting worse day by day and the patient's pain was getting more worse after 100 yards of walking according to the patient.  The patient has no any pain in the left side leg."

As I type, I try to correct the grammar/sentence structure a bit but try not to slow down while I do it.  Typing fast is money, since I am paid by the line. 

This is what I came up with for this one.

"The patient was complaining of right leg pain for a long time, getting worse day by day.  The patient's pain would get worse after walking 100 yards.   The patient has no pain in his left leg."  

Sometimes their sentence structure is a little wonky and I have to change things around, again, on the fly.  One of my doctors always says "yesterday night" and there's this one who says "no any pain" and the one who pronounces width as WIDE-th with the long I sound and the one who says "woiding" for voiding.  

Still in their defense, I don't speak any of their language at all, much less complicated technical medical words in a second language.  And, if it weren't for these guys, I wouldn't have a job because it would all be done by speech recognition software. 

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