Saturday, August 04, 2012

Use what you have and Currclick.

I have decided not to spend anything right now on homeschooling the 2 youngest kids.  I may have to get some things in January, but right now I've got enough stuff to begin with.  Last year, I won a physics curriculum from Currclick somehow.  I've forgotten the details.  This was when I was working at Mom's house.  I downloaded it, put it on my flash drive and brought it home.  Then later, when my older son asked to use my flash drive and could he erase it in order to have more space I said yes, because I had forgotten that I had never transferred all the physics files to the computer at home.  So today, I was thinking about that and I remembered that Currclick lets you download things multiple times so if you lose the file somehow, you can have it again.  I went and checked my Currclick account and there is every thing that I've ever downloaded from there, some of which I have lost when I have changed computers or just forgotten about, so I have a ton of stuff to begin this year with.  It's cool.  I'm currently re-downloading the physics videos. Also, they are having a massive sale right now which I have already linked to, but I will again, because I think this is such a cool homeschool resource.


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