Friday, August 03, 2012


Here are my Friday random thoughts.

I need to get done with work early today because my daughter has a guitar lesson, but I have a hard time with this lately because I can't concentrate, so we'll see.  I may end up having to type late into the night.  :-(    I'd also like to say Dr. You-Know-Who-You-Are, no matter how many times you say the incorrect plural for the word atrium and no matter how clearly you pronounce it (incorrectly), I'm still going to type the correct word, every time.  Get used to it.  I say this here, because I am banned from contacting any of the physicians or hospitals that I type for directly, so this is just to get it off my chest a little.   I wouldn't contact him anyway, I just hope that by typing it correctly every single day for the last few years that I'll wear him down and he'll look it up and realize he's wrong, just the same way, he keeps pronouncing it slowly and carefully every day in the hopes that I'll realize I'm wrong (but I'm not).  :-) 

I have made no progress on planning, except thinking that I'm going to go ahead and start the kids on that middle school curriculum that I have, plan for them to finish it early and then throw some more in depth study their way later in the year.  The decision is to use what I have for now and not spend any money right now.  It gives me a few months to look around for some other free or cheap resources.  I think I may have seen some free textbooks for Kindle ...

Speaking of Kindle, my son finally got my book kind of adequately formatted and we published it on Kindle this week.  It's about what to eat when you are gluten free.  I'm very happy about that and I hope to make a little extra money with that.  

Speaking of my oldest son, we still need to hear back on a scholarship that he might get and it's driving me crazy that we haven't heard yet.  Is this normal not to hear about something like this when classes start in 3 weeks? 

Still haven't decided when we will start school around here.  Probably next Tuesday, the day after my daughters 16th (?!) birthday.

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