Thursday, August 30, 2012

Keeping busy and making some changes.

A picture my daughter took of our driveway, unrelated to the post below.  :-P
My oldest son has been in the path of the hurricane, but he's okay.  They cancelled classes for 2 days and today, they start back.  I've been keeping up with him by phone, email and Facebook, which has helped me a lot.  These kinds of things are hard on moms.  I've been keeping busy by typing a lot since I'm trying to make up the time that I was off for the trip and then the computer crash.  My husband has got my computer going pretty well at this point, so that's good.

In homeschool news, yesterday, there was quite a bit of whining from my daughter about Life of Fred Geometry and she and my husband decided to put her in Teaching Textbooks Algebra 2, which we already own, instead of switching to a different geometry course, which we would have to put out money for.  Youngest son likes Life of Fred and so he's going to keep doing that.  So, for the first time since we pulled these 2 out of public school in first and third grades, they won't be doing the same math book.  My daughter is going to have to get by without her younger brother explaining the problems to her.  That should be interesting.  We'll see how it goes, I guess.

Today's my day off from work, but I'm going to work anyway.  The only indication that it is my day off is that I haven't started yet.  I've given myself permission to start a little later than usual and I slept until 9:20 this morning.  It was great.  So I guess I should get started now.

Have a great day everyone. :-)

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