Friday, August 17, 2012

Hanging in there.

I'm a little better today.  The fear knot in my stomach has dissipated somewhat.  I'm trying to deal with 1 day at a time.  Today, grocery shopping, guitar lesson, work and getting the desserts baked for the party tomorrow.  Tomorrow, making tortilla bowls, putting taco meat in the crock pots, cutting up veggies, decorating the room and having the party.  Sunday, we will make the final plans for how we are going to get the boy to Mississippi, who is going, who is staying home, who is dog sitting, who is working, who is taking off, and then we'll start packing.  This is all new to us and new stuff is always a little scary, but we'll get through it.  One day at a time.  One plan at a time.  One trimester at a time.  One year of college at a time. 


  1. Yikes! I've missed so much being away fom the blogging world. Congratulations on your son getting that scholarship and going off to college!!
    It sure must be a scary & happy time all rolled up into one at your house - Hang in there sweety!

  2., I didn't realize! Congrats on the scholarship...that's awesome!!! So, when do classes start for him? I will certainly be praying for you, cuz you KNOW I KNOW how you feel. We moved Ashley back yesterday & it definitely gets easier. Now my full concentration goes to the next boy who will be starting his senior year & doing all the college prep stuff, so pray for both of us! You'd think I'd get over that 'Fear Knot' since I've already got two in/done with college, but I'm still being fretful. Like you said, I just need to 'Fear Not' will all fall into place, I know. ;-)
