Monday, July 09, 2012

Up and down.

That's the way some days go.  I tell you.  I was not prepared for the roller coaster ride that is middle age.  Today my mom is not feeling well and I took her to the doctor.  Then afterwards, I had to field calls from family members asking what the doctor had said.  She's basically okay, I guess.  She may have something wrong with her gallbladder so we'll go and have a scan for that on Wednesday.  I was also getting calls from the college my son may be going to next month, which is very exciting, but also a bit scary and bittersweet, because I mean, how did he grow up this fast?!  Also, I got a call saying the custom log bed that a friend's husband is building is done and I got to see the wonderful progress my husband and 2 youngest kids have been making on remodeling the house.  They've got a ton done.  And lastly, I've gotten a couple of update calls from my oldest son who is at camp this week.  He's enjoying himself very much and is very bubbly and talkative.

Today I was up.  Then down.  Then up.  Then down.  Then up.  Then down.  Then up.

I had so many interruptions that it took me 14 hours to get my 6 hours of transcription done.

Some time in the middle, I had to take a nap.

It happens.

I just don't know if I have the strength for another day like today.

I hope tomorrow is kind of normal, but it's really not looking too good.  I've already got a ton of stuff to do.

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