Monday, July 02, 2012


Okay, I didn't even bother with resolutions at the new year.  I postponed them until after Easter.  Since then I've exercised, by walking and getting in the pool, sporadically, but a couple of days ago I decided that I'm going to get in the pool every day (unless it's storming) until it gets too cold this fall.  Once I get in the pool, I will exercise, so it's the getting in that is the difficulty sometimes.  So far, I'm doing pretty good.  I've gotten in the pool every day for the last 3 days.  Unfortunately, it's so hot, we have to leave the cover off to keep the water from heating up above 100 degrees and bugs are attracted to the water and come and drown themselves so the first 20 minutes every day is spent scooping out the bugs.  I hate that.   Last night, when my daughter and I were swimming, there were flies buzzing around driving us a little bit crazy.  She grabbed the pool net and said she was going to hunt flies which led to me saying "Be vewy quiet, I'm hunting fwies"  and much laughter.  Then when I looked at her, intensely scanning for flies I looked up and there were 2 on her goggles which she had on top of her head, which I thought was hilarious, because she was hunting them and they were on top of her head.  :-)  Bugs bunny probably did that to old Elmer Fudd at some point, didn't he?

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