Monday, July 16, 2012

Of course I didn't

remember to take pictures of all the 4H projects.  I do not look forward to taking those things up there to an un-air-conditioned building where it takes about an hour to sort it all out.  Whew.  It's kind of crazy, the regulations that you have to abide by.   It's very difficult for all of us, staff, volunteers and people trying to enter, to figure out.   I was thinking so hard about the craft projects that I was standing right next to one of my best buddies and didn't even see her or hear her when she spoke to me.  I finally came down to earth and said hello a couple of minutes later.  It was actually kind of stressful, I guess since it was so chaotic and we were carrying so many things.   We had 11 completed projects that didn't fit a category or were over the limits for categories so we had to bring them back home.

Now nothing to do but sit back and see if they won anything.

And we don't have to do that again until next year.

Thank goodness.

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