Friday, July 20, 2012

Kind of in limbo.

This is what the sky seems to look like most of the time lately.  It's been stormy.
I'm not really doing much of anything right now.  We have to wait until Sunday to pick up the fair entries and see what the kids won.  I haven't felt good all week and am on an antibiotic, but it really doesn't seem to be working yet.  I've only got 3 more days to take it so I hope it improves me soon.  Consequently, I have been doing the bare minimum, working at my job and that's pretty much it.  When I don't feel good, I go slow and so it's been taking many many hours to get my work done.  For example, I'm not done tonight and it's 8:31 p.m.   Time for my husband to go to bed and my son to wake up for work.  When I feel better, I'll send in my letter of intent to homeschool and get started on the planning, pick up my exercise routine and other projects where I left them off.   I hope it's soon.

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