Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It's time.

The crunch is on for the county fair.  Both of my younger 2 kids are going to be turning in various projects for the fair.  The terrariums that we made in our 4H class, the tile coasters, the bean collages, plus the crochet mat, knitted dishcloths, collections of fossils, photos and other things.  Next Monday is when we turn them in and boy do they have enough to keep them busy this week.  

We also need to start thinking about what we are going to study this fall.  It's time to send our letter of intent to homeschool to the school board.  The Rainbow Resource catalog arrived in the mail.  I know the girl is going to be continuing the French and the writing books that she already has.  I know they are both going to to Life of Fred geometry.  I'm pretty sure we're doing chemistry this year, but I don't have a text book or other resource for that yet.  For my youngest we need to work on his handwriting and his spelling.  Both improved tremendously last year, but both need more work.  Later on, when I have time, IF I have time (my life's been crazy lately) I will share exactly what resources we are going to use and also my older son's college plans, which seem to be coming together now.  :-)

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