Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sibling gifts.

My kids have never had much money.  They get 3 dollars a week allowance which we started to help them get some idea of how to manage money and they can do chores for more.  They've never asked for an increase at all and when my 19 year old son started working, he went from 3 dollars a week to over 300 dollars a week (but so far, he's being good and saving for college like he should).  So anyway, they have been creative over the years with sibling gifts.  They have made things at times, but the most popular gifts, especially for the youngest son, are gifts of time.  My older son gives him a certain number of hours of play time each year and youngest son uses this to get his older brother to play Heroscape with him.  This year, the girl gave him 5 coupons for games. For each coupon, she'll play the game of his choice with him.  Right now, they are playing Yu-GI-Oh.  It's Tuesday.  His birthday was yesterday and he's already used 2 coupons.  :-)

A minute ago she played a card because it was "cute" and noting "most of the cards in this game are not cute."  :-)

Speaking of the 3 dollars a week they get, check this out.  It's interesting, although the first time I looked at it I looked at it completely backwards.  See how your income stacks up among the world's population.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated Birhday to your son!! The giving of time gifts is a wonderful idea! Sure sounds like he is enjoying his gifts : )
