Friday, June 01, 2012

One thing and another.

We've had an interesting week I guess.  The two younger kids and I have been getting some things done and having a regular week.

The oldest son has been working, working, working.  He did 2 twelve hour shifts in a row, yesterday and the day before, came in this morning and collapsed.  He's been asleep for 12 hours now and if he doesn't get up soon, we'll have to wake him up in a little while to work tonight, though I hate to. 

Yesterday when I was getting ready to cook a meatloaf, the oven heating element started sparking like sparklers on the fourth of July so we're going to need either a new element or a new stove.

Then today, the brakes on my husband's car caught fire.

It's really not Friday the 13th is it?

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