Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Maybe 75%.

That's how much of the kitchen floor tile we have done.  We work on it a little bit each day.  Today though, I want to get finished with it.  I'm not sure if we will because we have a bunch of errands in town that we need to take care of, a list of things I need to pick up (including Max's insulin) that seems to get longer and longer and at least that one that can't wait until tomorrow.  He's almost out.

Giving Max his twice daily shots has pretty much become routine.  My husband and I share the responsibility though neither of us like it much.  When we first had to start doing this, we had a discussion about who should do it.  My husband was the only one with any experience giving shots since he had to give me steroid shots during my last pregnancy because we thought the youngest was going to be premature.  I could do shots, though they made me feel a bit squeamish at first.  Oldest son has always been freaked out by needles, but since he's had to have surgery 3 times and had to have IVs, he's come a long way, but not far enough to give a shot to the dog without passing out.  Daughter is worse than he is, with the same needle freak-out.  She's almost passed out at the doctor's office after getting a shot and at the hospital when visiting a friend when talk turned to the subject of needles.  Youngest son said that he'd be the backup if something dire happened to both me and Dad, because he thinks that maybe he can do it.  He's never passed out or felt like passing out.  So we do it.  Max is doing okay with it, though he's had reactions a couple of times and had to get a does of Karo syrup to get his blood sugar levels back up.  It's kind of scary.

So anyway, back to the order of the day ... work, errands, floor tiles and hopefully, at long last, getting in the pool.  

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