Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy first day of summer.

We did more of the same.  More work.  More blackberry picking.  More swimming.  More laziness about getting our work on the floor done, but really we didn't have a lot of time.   Actually, yes, we could have done it during the time we picked blackberries or the swim time, but our friends were going to be at the pool and we wanted to see them and we didn't want the berries to go to waste!  The floor is first on the list for  tomorrow. 

While I was supposed to be working, I went over to Donna Young's Website.   and looked at high school planners.  I haven't been able to buy one like I used for my oldest and so I printed one out from her website to use.  She has a ton of great stuff over there.  You should go check it out if you are, as I am, right on top of things in planning the fall semester.  :-P

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