Monday, June 18, 2012

A good summer day.

We had a very good summer day today.  I worked of course, that's a given.  Then my daughter and I went over to check on my mom for a bit, then came back and picked blackberries.  We'll probably have a bunch of chiggers tomorrow, so we may not be so happy about that, then.  We found a new patch up on the hill, so we got a lot.  We had plenty for a cobbler, but the kids ate them all.  We'll have to try again tomorrow.  Maybe I can pick up some vanilla ice cream to go with the cobbler.  What we have now is Mint Chocolate Chip and I just can't picture that being very good.  :-)  Then, we got in the pool and exercised and goofed off for quite a while.  After I got out, I started picking more blackberries, I don't know if more had gotten ripe or if we just missed them and I got to listen to the kids in the pool singing hilarious songs in the pool, ad libbing new words to the songs at times.  I really enjoy summer.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmmm.....blackberry cobbler sounds awesome! What time should I get there?
