Friday, June 29, 2012

But probably not today ...

We probably won't get anything done on the house today.  I'm having one of those days at work.   I get frustrated not being able to get my work done very fast, because I'm having a hard time understanding my English-As-A-Second-Language physicians, bless their hearts.  Without their difficulty speaking English, I probably wouldn't have a job, but sometimes, sometimes, it just kind of drives me crazy.  We got a lot done yesterday so I shouldn't expect to get a lot done today.  That doesn't seem to be how it works.

On the subject of homeschooling, I'm kind of thinking we should start early, maybe kind of soon (after the painting and tiling) and get some of the days out of the way.  I wonder how that would go over?  Get some school done while it's insanely hot outside (105 degrees Fahrenheit) and later, when the weather is nice, take some days off.  

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