Friday, May 18, 2012

Getting started?

Yesterday, we started on the spring cleaning.  We did a tiny bit during spring break, but we need to do the rest of it now.  With me working most of the day each day, it's a little difficult to get going after I finish work.  My attitude is the problem.  After I've worked, I want to relax, not get up and work.  You know?  But it needs to be done.  Yesterday was my day off from my regular job so I was able to get quite a bit done, but just a drop in the bucket.  We need to do some serious decluttering around here. (AGAIN).   I should take some before pictures, but that would be embarrassing, so I won't.  :-)  I also need to get started on the exercising.  I'm counting yesterday's several hours of cleaning as the beginning of my new exercise routine.  I was talking to my mother in law yesterday and she has found an indoor pool in our area where we can swim for 5 dollars, so I may swim at home this summer (the only exercise I will consistently do) and then swim indoors for the winter, thereby avoiding the exercise all summer and turn in to a slug every winter syndrome, which is my usual routine.

The kids are out of school and can do basically whatever they want all day except for the couple of hours that I want them to clean, but you'd think I was killing them to hear them complain.  They avoided the dreaded "why do we have to clean?" question, but instead asked "Why do we have to clean right now?" which they say is different.  :-P

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