Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Another job update.

Oldest son came in from work this morning and said that it went okay.  He didn't hate it.  As I said before, thankfully, he's not me.  He's got a better work attitude.  Actually he's got a better attitude in general, but he's not hormonal or just plain crabby or whatever I am.  :-P   He did finally manage to get to sleep yesterday with the help of a little Benadryl and so he was reasonably well rested.   We'll see how today's trying to sleep during the day goes.  Now I'm going to sit here and be thankful for my job where I set my own hours.  

The moms from the homeschool group and I went to the salvage grocery store together and saved a ton of money.  I got some pantry staples for less than half price and also a bunch of junk that I don't usually buy, fruit snacks, Capri suns, Snickers and gum.  My youngest son came to me and asked if he could have gum, then came and asked if he could have a Capri and then came and asked if he could have a mini-snickers.  Finally, I said "there's nothing in there you can't have" and he said "that's a really good answer."

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