Sunday, April 15, 2012

Winding down.

We've only got 20 some-odd days of school left and we've run out of a few things.  I had to make the decision to order more notebooking pages from Curr-Click ($1.00) or just let those 20 something days go to waste, so I ordered them, but now I can't print them.  I'm going to have to consult our home network administrator, but he's at work.  It is convenient having a tech person who lives with you and we've got 2, the senior administrator and the apprentice.  I asked the apprentice yesterday, but he couldn't figure out why the printer won't print so I'll need to ask the big guy to take a look at it.  It's probably something simple, but I went through that help menu the computer has, for why your printer won't work, and I didn't accomplish anything.

In the back of my mind, I'm working on adventure and work lists for the summer and I have actually made a few decisions (okay, one!)  regarding curriculum for next year.  I'm going to get the Brain Integration Therapy Manual  by Dianne Craft for my youngest who is dysgraphic (problems with writing) but I am waiting for my Swag Bucks to build up a little before I get it since it costs 60 dollars and I don't think I'll start using it until August.  I get a 5 dollar Amazon card, about every 10 days with Swag Bucks and they come in handy.  :-)  If you want to join up and get paid for searching see the side bar.  I don't let the kids search with Swag Bucks because their safe search options are not as good as Google and I sometimes end up seeing things in the search that I don't want the kids to see.  (I'm talking words, not pictures, because I never use Swag Bucks for image searches).  I use Swag Bucks to search for Google and then use Google to search for what I need to search for if it is an image.  I also use Swag Bucks for work and I search every day for things like Facebook and Gmail and sometimes I get paid for going to my regular sites.

Sorry, this wasn't supposed to be an ad for Swag Bucks.  I got off on a tangent there.

Anyway, have a nice Sunday!

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