Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pretty good.

Max and I had a pretty good night's sleep.  Okay, I really don't know if he did, since he sleeps on the bedroom floor but he only went out once at 5:00 a.m.  I took him to the vet yesterday and his blood sugar was still over 400 and she upped his insulin dose a little.  Maybe it's doing the trick, because he has not seemed as crazy-thirsty.  That's good.

On the homeschooling front, the kids realized yesterday that we only have about 14 days left to do.  They are very excited.  Also, both of them missed the 4:00 deadline yesterday and got grounded.  Youngest asked if there was anything he could do to get ungrounded, so I decided on 5 chores.  Then my daughter thought this was a good idea so we got a lot of little cleaning tasks done last night.  It was great from my point of view, I'm embarrassed to say.  I had had a doctor's appointment yesterday regarding possible damage to my vocal cords from singing in the cantata (all clear!) and then had to take Max to the vet so I was working later last night.  It was nice to have my chores done by someone else.

This freed me up, after work and dinner, to go outside and do some weed whacking.  Then I got roped into playing stick ball with the kids.  My youngest son is going through "The Big Book Of Fun Stuff" that he got for Easter and getting us to do all kinds of interesting things like playing stick ball with real sticks (of which he has a huge collection).  Last night, he told me a bunch of riddles that are in the book.  He's really  having fun with it.  I recommended this series of books to a friend of mine's son and then her son told her that it had some marginally bad words in it, nothing serious, but some, what we would call, rude words.  Still, they are not popping up in my son's conversations and he needs to learn this stuff outside of public middle schools, so I'm not personally upset about small things like that.

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